
郑州鼎生标识标牌有限公司是一家专业从事房地产标识系统、路牌反光标志牌系统、校园文化标识系统、园林景区标识系统、公共环境指示系统、大型工业园区 、体育场馆视觉导识系统、地下车库系统 、电力标牌银行标牌 、矿山标牌 、信报箱等标识标牌的整体规划、设计、制作、安装、售后服务及产品研发于一体的专业综合性公司。在中国,标识业还是一门新兴的行业,与地区文化、民族习性、项目包装等本源概念相去甚远。在市场经济以前,我们能看到的标识,到处都是单一色彩、造型相同的标牌,根本不具备让人们产生正确的联想与动作,毫无差异性和感染力可言。

从传统标牌向标识系统的转变,是市场经济的产物,它作为品牌文化的一部分从西方传到中国。市场经济的核心是经营与包装,包装城市、包装景区...... 进而当市场进入成熟期以后,各种信息资讯泛滥,要在这个原创抿来、抄袭盛行的年代,在竞争型产品高度同质化的今天,让产品突出重围吸引大众的关注,表现个性文化的标识系统成为品牌形象中的一个重要组成部分,就显得尤为关键,甚至有时起到画龙点睛的效果。


Devise strategies,program future

Being a new industry, the industry of sign is far from the fontal concepts in China, such as regional culture, national custom, item package. The signs what we could see before market economy were those of single color and same style, which could not help people with correct association and action at all, not to mention diversity and influence.

The change from traditional sign to sign system is the result of market economy, which was introduced to China as one part of brand culture. Operation and package are the core of market economy. Packaging city, packaging scenic spots?. How to let your product attract peoples eyeballs in the times filled with all kinds of useless information and intensive competitions when the market is matured? Then, as an important part of brand image, the sign system showing individual culture plays a key role, sometimes can achieve crucial effects.

All operators hope that people is able to continuously enjoy the happy life through identity system in the future. Therefore, we must be punctilious on all links of the image design of signs with all our souls.
